
CIC mentors help entrepreneurs work through specific challenges with their business(es) or provide general coaching and support, based on the entrepreneur's identified goals.

The purpose of CIC’s mentoring program is to help entrepreneurs accomplish their goals and build relationships between experienced business professionals and entrepreneurs for guidance and moral support. CIC mentors support and guide entrepreneurs in making business decisions, setting goals, and establishing professional networks. They provide honest and informal feedback, exposure to new ideas, theories, practices, and people, and professional support and encouragement.

To participate, entrepreneurs must:

  • Be a graduate of CIC’s Entrepreneur Workshop, have a CIC micro-loan or be referred by a CIC partner agency
  • Be generating revenue (selling, open for business) or have potential revenue opportunities arriving in the near future
  • Have specific goals or tasks to complete within the mentorship 

Expectations & Responsibilities:


  • Regularly maintain phone and email contact
  • Schedule time to connect and attend scheduled meetings
  • Clearly negotiate with your mentor to accomplish your goals and maximize your time together
  • Providing monthly feedback on the mentorship to CIC


  • Accept feedback and suggestions from your mentor
  • Focus on deliverables with measurable steps
  • Be accountable for tasks co-created with the mentor 
  • Commit to meeting for at least six months; willing and available to meet twice a month for the first 2 months and then monthly (at a minimum) for months 3-6

Want to learn more about mentoring before applying?  Email us!

Ready for a mentor?