Annie Temmink: Entrepreneur Spotlight

August 2, 2021

“I hope that my work reminds you of just how splendid you are, so that you can radiate your authentic glory to those who need it”. Annie Temmink designs for those with a creative spirit, who seek adventure, originality, and beauty, she offers fantastical and unique headwear, jewelry, and home decor. Annie grew up an only child in a rural area to an artist and a builder, so she’s always had opportunities to make things from an artful and functional perspective. “I found excitement and freedom in creativity growing up. I explored art and math in college, including sculpture and painting. It wasn’t until I traveled, studying with textile makers in other countries (Indonesia, Japan, Uganda, Ghana, and Tanzania), that I began to focus on wearable art. It felt like a direction that could offer the gift of authentic, radiant self-expression and freedom”.

Annie found CIC through referrals from friends. She was curious about how to grow her business and technical understanding and took the leap to start with CIC.“ I didn’t grow up with a business foundation, so I thought this would be a good place to start! I love the community CIC built and how I got to meet people with vastly different backgrounds and interests.  I loved the support and the general coverage of business topics. I feel more prepared to tackle financial logistics, set up my business properly, and expand from where I am now”.

What was her biggest takeaway? 

“I can do this and I don’t have to do it all alone. Let’s help each other; this work is challenging, and in my experience, it gets worse when I do it alone.  I’d love to find more ways to continue the community feeling of support CIC helped to foster”.

When asked what the future holds for her, Annie says, “My future self is collaborating! She is weaving together the talents of many to bring greater space for authentic expression. She is working at the intersection of ecological materials, innovative technology, and adornment, and traveling to work with international collaborators.  I would love to do an artist residency with a playful Belgian dance company. I would love to dance at least 3 days a week in the community. I’d love to help others thrive more and thrive together”.

If you’d like to see more of her work, give her a follow on Instagram: @annietemmink and sign-up for her newsletter at, to receive occasional and magical updates.