David Langner Volunteer Profile

February 22, 2019

As a child, David Langner saw his father start and run a few small businesses, and had no idea how challenging it must have been. In college he preferred studying the mind through neuroscience, and then during his masters, explored how habits are formed or replaced, and the role of mindfulness.

Years later, he came to see business as a new challenge, and experienced the intensity of starting a business first-hand, even with many privileges. David owns, The Habit Institute, where he works with entrepreneurs and individuals using tools and insights he’s developed in his studies, such as the powerful habit methods he has learned for achieving business and personal growth. David coaches entrepreneurs and individuals on strategies and not always intuitive yet simple ways of hitting goal points or milestones with regularity.

When Shannon Beach at CIC had heard about the work David was doing with habit coaching, he began seeing the connection between David’s program and  CIC’s Financial Management Program, and how they can both essentially come together and teach alumni better financial habits. From that point on they worked together on the program. With the confidential one-on-one sessions, there can be very real, open discussions about finances, and pinpoint some often minor adjustments in a business that can make a tremendous difference over time.  Most alumni come in with a mixture of courage and hesitation toward talking about their businesses finances, but each week they depart with a few action items and soon enough a change in confidence and clarity builds. That’s the rewarding thing to see- the excitement when alumni see the results of their work, recognize and avoid financial pitfalls, and know to handle their business going forward. That’s the priceless part.

Thanks, David, for your support of CIC!