Regine Wright: Entrepreneur Spotlight
August 29, 2022
Kaydrix Investigations is a private investigation company based in Charlottesville Virginia with a mission of “retrieving the information you need to make informed, sometimes life-changing decisions, and raising awareness about the crime-related issues that affect the community.” They specialize in missing persons, criminal defense, and post convictions cases.
Founded in 2020 by CIC Alum, Regine Wright, Kaydrix Investigations was created with the intention of working on cases that get neglected by the community.
Regine shares, “I love to investigate – I was coming from the police department, so when I left the police department, this was a natural progression. Typically when you think of private investigation services you think of chasing cheating spouses and I didn’t want that to be what I was doing – I wanted to focus more on things that don’t get a lot of attention, especially in the minority community – missing person cases, cold cases, human trafficking – things that really affect the black and minority community but don’t get a lot of attention like some of the other cases do.”
Ultimately, Regine’s goal for her company is to give back to the community through investigations but also by providing educational material including safety tips, information about human trafficking, and missing person awareness.
Read on for more of Regine’s story!
What values and experiences do you want people to have working with you?
For clients, I want them to walk away feeling like they were heard and listened to and that I did everything I could to help them. Sometimes it might not be solving a case and more of stirring them in the right direction and providing them with the right resources that they need. A lot of the time I get clients who call me who’ve been to the police and were not getting the help that they would like to get, so I try to help them come up with the dialogue and questions they need to take back to the police to address.
For the community, I want to work with the elderly and the youth. I want to make people more aware of the elder and child abuse laws as well as some of the human trafficking issues that are going on. I just want them to walk away being more informed and prepared to defend themselves and understand the issues that are out there.
I also want to raise awareness about the cases that don’t get a lot of attention. For example, there are two little black girls missing outside of Albemarle county, and people don’t even know about it. I want to raise more awareness in the community and get the community to be more proactive. The response you see in the media for certain people going missing is driven by the media – social media and the community force the police to act.
Tell me about your experience taking the Entrepreneur Workshop.
When I first started my business in 2020, I still had a part-time job so I wasn’t doing as much private investigation work, but then I found the CIC and took the Entrepreneur Workshop this past spring.
What I liked most about the workshop was having people there to bounce ideas off of – the words of encouragement and support– without it I probably wouldn’t be this far and probably would’ve quit.
I liked the class on Branding with Joshua Renee the most! I really enjoyed that class and just having the weekly assignments walk me through helped me get my business started. I already had my LLC when I started the class but I didn’t have any idea how to do the finance piece or the marketing, so it put me on the right path to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
It also really opened me up too – I’m very introverted, so getting out and talking to people and trying to sell myself is not something I’m good at so it forced me to do that with the customer interviews from the unit on Customer Discovery. From the interviews, it resulted in me building my clientele. One of my interviewees who happens to be an attorney connected me to people with the Innocence Project who offered me to come on board as a paid contractor. Without doing the customer interviews, I would not be working on the Innocence Project.
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