Carly Teigeler Volunteer Profile

July 3, 2019

Carly Teigeler is the owner of CE Studios, a branding and web design company specializing in helping small businesses craft meaningful brands and effective websites that are rooted in strategy. She loves “that graphic design incorporates both intuitive and critical thinking, allowing one to be creative with visuals while also building something functional”. Carly started her own business as a “side hustle” a few years ago and took it full-time in early 2018. She feels that it’s been an incredible journey and she enjoys getting to work with small business owners who are passion-driven and service oriented. In addition to running CE Studios, Carly loves taking dance classes, practicing illustration techniques, practicing yoga, and making ice cream. 

Carly started volunteering with CIC after meeting Waverly and hearing all about the different ways that CIC support their entrepreneurs. She claims that she was really inspired by CIC’s programs for lifting their entrepreneurs up and setting them up for success, as well as by their mission for strengthening our community here in Charlottesville, and she knew she wanted to be involved in any way she could. 

Carly is currently an Office Hours volunteer and says she “loves volunteering with CIC and getting to meet their incredible entrepreneurs who bring so much enthusiasm and passion to what they do. It’s a joy getting to toss ideas around with them, hearing their thoughts and answering their questions, and each volunteer experience feels more fulfilling than the last.” Carly feels that the energy in the CIC office is empowering and infectious, and she feels honored to get to play a small part in the work they’re doing. 

Thank you, Carly, for your support of CIC!