Michael Cantwell: Alumni Business Update

August 26, 2021

Catching up with 2014 Workshop alumni Michael Cantwell, founder of Cloud Cabin Arts.

Michael originally decided to pursue woodworking as a young child after spending time with his grandfather. This influence “was a seed that affected me greatly and was a source for great curiosity. It had a major impact on the formation of my mind, eventually leading to where it is now, with a strong ability to conceive of and plan nearly any woodworking project” explains Michael. Michael entered professional woodworking in 2006, working as a cabinet maker at a commercial shop. In 2013, continuing the thread of the importance of family, he started Cloud Cabin Arts preceding the birth of his daughter as a way to improve his value on the job market. 

Cloud Cabin Arts started as a line of Adirondack furniture which was sold at the farmers market. Michael says, “I used this as a way to gain exposure and broaden my offerings, earning commissions for small one-off custom furniture pieces. Over the years and through much research and effort, I’ve found my way into custom cabinets and this is now my primary source of revenue”.Micheal graduated from the Entrepreneur Workshop in 2014, working with CIC, he says, “helped me to establish a foundation for understanding the many aspects of a business. It has helped me break apart the pieces and identify the parts needing work. CIC has always been there for me when I need them the most, offering loans, guidance, support and like-minded community”.

Mike is also part of a small business circle that has been meeting monthly since 2016. He explains that his biggest takeaway  from his workshop and biz circle is the understanding of the structural workings of a business. He says, “this understanding quickly helped clear the confusion as to what I should be doing and helped guide my focus and decision making”.

You can find Michael at: cloudcabinarts.com