Avico Entrepreneur Profile

November 5, 2018

Scott McNutt is the owner of Avico, a company that provides homeowners and small businesses with expert designs, installations, and sales of technology services. The business specializes in smart lighting, window treatments, and various other technological integrations. With twelve years of experience in consumer electronics, Scott is still expanding his knowledge and striving for more and more satisfied customers. Scott recently hired a new part-time employee and purchased a company van. Scott joined the CEDIA organization, an industry organization that he feels has helped him gain knowledge in only a few weeks.

Scott explains that “CIC taught me how to edit my cash flow, properly analyze my break-even spreadsheets, analyze what’s required to hire an employee, price effectively, and conduct informative exit interviews”. He feels that these skills have also helped him understand more of the underlying meanings behind certain business processes that would have been hard to master on his own. With all of this knowledge, either from CIC or from his personal work experiences, Scott has been able to land multiple recurring accounts as well as manage his business in a way that enables him to satisfy his clients the best that he can. His goal is to create a workplace for employees to come and make a significant impact, not just in the company, but also in the community.